

SoundWaves combines scientific lectures about the world with live classical music performances. Each event revolves around a theme, exploring it first from many scientific angles and then through the lens of music. The program concludes with a live performance of music related to the evening’s theme.

The science lectures are delivered using language that the curious layman can understand, with a minimum of jargon and formulas. The music lectures, while demanding careful listening, are likewise designed for the layman and not the specialist.

Every SoundWaves event brings UW–Madison scientists from several departments together with UW–Madison School of Music faculty performers to explore a topic that is relevant to our world and our lives.

SoundWaves is free and open to the public. This series generally is held in the evening in the DeLuca Forum of the Discovery Building.


SoundWaves: Developing Ideas, Part 4

April 11 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

We thank our sponsors

Wisconsin Institute for Discovery logo
UW logo
Morgridge Institute for Discovery logo
Cap times logo
SoundWaves Donation QR code and link