Applications Now Open for 2024-25 Kohler Fellowship Program

Applications are now open for graduate students to apply to be a Kohler Fellow!  Hosted by the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, this celebrated fellowship program matches artists and scientists to create art-science fusion projects with a $3,000 stipend over the course of the program. The application deadline is September 30th for full consideration.  APPLY NOW.

2024-08-28T11:28:21-05:00August 28th, 2024|

Science to Street Art Resolution – City of Madison, WI

Science to Street Art Resolution – City of Madison, WI The City of Madison’s Common Council approves the Science to Street Art Resolution. Supporting the application by the City of Madison to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for an Our Town grant to be used to help fund "Science to Street Art" and

2023-05-24T15:47:03-05:00July 10th, 2018|
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