Wine People Featured in On Wisconsin Magazine
Featured in On Wisconsin magazine, Wildgen pairs the technical know-how of the wine industry with the narrative nuances of competing personalities.
Featured in On Wisconsin magazine, Wildgen pairs the technical know-how of the wine industry with the narrative nuances of competing personalities.
Writer-in-Residence Michelle Wildgen's “Wine People” incorporates a little bit of Madison and a bit more hospitality, with a wine-saturated spin.
Our Writer in Residence's novel Wine People takes readers from Madison, Wis., and Sonoma, Calif., to Italy, France, and Germany as its story unfolds. Available August 1st.
Our Writer in Residence's novel Wine People takes readers from Madison, Wis., and Sonoma, Calif., to Italy, France, and Germany as its story unfolds. Available August 1st.
She will host a hands-on workshop to improve academic, creative, or professional writing practices, leaving participants more productive and less stressed.